Presentation or Virtual Tea Party Activity: Afternoon Tea History & Etiquette

Audience:  Afternoon tea aficionados and history buffs can delve into the past of the afternoon tea tradition and test their historical and etiquette knowledge in this slideshow’s five theme-specific segments.

Designed to be visually engaging, Destination Tea’s “Afternoon Tea History & Etiquette” slideshow will encourage your tea friends to share and grow their afternoon tea knowledge, with the following sections:

  • Teacup “Show and Tell”
  • Let’s Play:  Teatime Fill in the Blank
  • Tea Knowledge:  The History of Afternoon Tea
  • Let’s Play:  Name That Tea Accessory
  • Tea Knowledge:  Teatime Etiquette
  • Let’s Play:  Teatime Trivia

This purchase includes two downloads – the Slideshow and Host Notes. In advance of your afternoon tea, please take a moment to read your Host Note instructions, and be sure to email us with any questions or feedback. Enjoy!

Tea Voyageuse, discovering the world of afternoon tea, based in Atlanta, Georgia.